The City of Dublin ETB is co-
funded by the
Government of
Ireland and the European Union.
Other Courses Part-Time & Evening
Skills To Advance
Avail of Training and Certification opportunities for your employees on a range of QQI modules at Level 4 & 5 in the following areas - Childcare, Healthcare, Catering, Hospitality, Beauty, IT, Business, Leisure & Sport.
Study Skills Centre
Study Skills Support for VTOS & BTE Students can help you with Essay Writing, Assignment Preparation , Structure & Layout, Research Skills, Spelling Grammar and Punctuation, Bibliography & Referencing, Study & Reading Techniques, Assistive Technology
Open Learning Centre
The Open Learning Centre was started in September 1994, with the objective of providing “quality flexible education to the Unemployed, Lone-parents, House-Parents, and Disables. In fact anyone who needs flexibility in their education”.