The City of Dublin ETB is co-
funded by the
Government of
Ireland and the European Union.
Students with a Disability
The college welcomes applications from persons with disability. It is the policy of the college to foster an inclusive education provision for all who wish to avail of the college services. Every effort to accommodate such applicant has been made by the college to enable applicants to access the building and facilities of the college.
Improvement is a continuous process and the college is committed to maintaining such improvements as resources permit. It is important that such applicants indicate to the college in good time the particular educational needs and support services that they are likely to require in order to plan appropriately for their particular needs. This will assist the college in applying to the DES for the appropriate learning and personal supports that may be needed by an individual learner.
Special needs programmes
The college endeavours to provide learning support to students with special needs. There is a Guidance/ Counselling service within the college.
The NTDI/CDETB Disability Support Service
The DSS is a joint educational service provided by the City of Dublin Education Training Board and the National Training and Development Institute. The purpose of this service is to support students who, for one reason or another, are having either a temporary or ongoing difficulty in accessing their continuing education.
The DSS will work closely with Guidance Counsellors, Course Coordinators and members of staff to make sure that the right information and educational support is given to people by
identifying their educational needs.
The availability of specialised learning support on an individual basis is dependent on the availability of resources provided to the college.