The City of Dublin ETB is co-
funded by the
Government of
Ireland and the European Union.

Government of Ireland European Union


Colaiste Ide College of Further Education

Open Learning Centre



The Open Learning Centre was started in September 1994, with the objective of providing “quality flexible education to the Unemployed, Lone-parents, House-Parents, and those with Disabilities. In fact anyone who needs flexibility in their education”.

The centre provides access to education in a flexible and open way. The policy of the centre is to provide access to learning facilities in a manner appropriate to the needs of the individual. Learning resources are provided at times and at a level, which suits the students, rather than depending on prescribed timetables and syllabi to which the students must adapt.

Open Learning

Allows the student:

Open Learning Centre

Colaiste Ide, College of Further Education
Cardiffsbridge Road, Finglas West, Dublin 11.
Tel: 01-844 3255
Fax: 01-834 7242

Opening Hours

Opening Hours
Day Times
Monday 9am-1pm,   2pm-4pm
Tuesday 9am-1pm,   2pm-4pm
Wednesday 9am-1pm,   2pm-4pm
Thursday 9am-1pm,   2pm-4pm
Friday 9am-1pm,   2pm-4pm

Course Details 

Course Name Duration / Time Price
Computers for beginners  30 hours / Flexible  €40
Learn to type  30 hours / Flexible  €30
Introduction to the internet  40 hours / Flexible   €40
Intermediate Computers, (To include Word processing Interment and email) 50 hours €60
Full ECDL 7 Modules to include exams and skillcard 120 hours / Flexible €250
ECDL Essentials certificate 4 Modules to include exams and skillcard 90 hours / Flexible €195
(An introduction to: Microsoft Office)
40 hours / Flexible €50
ECDL exams only (You must have a skillcard) 1 hour €20
Equal Skills program 50 hours /Flexible    €90
Word Processing 40 hours / Flexible €40
Microsoft Excel  40 hours / Flexible €40
Microsoft Access 40 hours / Flexible €40

* Cost includes exams and skill card. ECDL- European Computer Drivers Licence is the internationally recognised qualification.

Talk to our Director Fergus O’Rourke for more details.


You can book your next session

Note: Booking will only be taken on a week-to-week basis.

Coláiste Íde College of Further Education Cardiffsbridge Road, Finglas West, Dublin 11

T 01 834 2333 / 01 834 2450 F 01 834 7242 E W

Funded by the Irish Government and supported by the European Union.

Colaiste Ide College of Further Education European Regional Development Fund Ireland's EU Structural Funds Solas CDETB - City of Dublin Education & Training Board

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