The City of Dublin ETB is co-
funded by the
Government of
Ireland and the European Union.

Government of Ireland European Union


Colaiste Ide College of Further Education

Important Dates


See Induction Schedule 


Dates What's On
27th, 28th & 29 August  Late Application Interviews 10am-3pm 
4th to 6th September  Induction Dates See Induction Schedule 
9th September All Classes commence


Teaching staff will return on Monday 26 August. Course coordinators will contact you by email with details about your course.

We are looking forward to welcoming our new and returning students. Course coordinators will be touch with you by email with specifics


Coláiste Íde College of Further Education Cardiffsbridge Road, Finglas West, Dublin 11

T 01 834 2333 / 01 834 2450 F 01 834 7242 E W

Funded by the Irish Government and supported by the European Union.

Colaiste Ide College of Further Education European Regional Development Fund Ireland's EU Structural Funds Solas CDETB - City of Dublin Education & Training Board

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